Thursday, January 04, 2007

In the mail.

The calendars have sent out tonight and should be there in around Monday (I hope).

The post office (near my apt) has a 24hr machine that has been down. So I headed over to downtown Bellevue's post office, which has a working machine. Postage has been purchased and the package has been drop off in the drop box tonight.

This year's project was more work than the past. There was the 20 or so hours worked on picking and scanning in the paintball photos and working on the layout of the calendar. And then there was the DVD project I have been working on for a long while. It was off and on over the last year or so. One down and a few more to go. As a added bonus to the second DVD I was able to tape a item on paintballs. It all take time, just to get the best quality from VHS Tape to DVD to Computer (for layout with Menus) and back to DVD.

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