The Bar None. Blog of Heath.
Anyone who uses the phrase 'easy as taking candy from a baby' has never tried taking candy from a baby.
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Monday, June 06, 2011
The Real Steel of Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots
Old School (Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots) meets the New School of movies (Real Steel movie) with fighting robots.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Its gravy time with Rich.
Saturday, May 07, 2011
Kickstarter of the Gamer type.
If you know of others, please leave a comment.
Time well spent.
Here are some things that has happened in the last few months.
Emerald City ComicCon 2011
Here are some pictures from the convention and some videos of the panels I went to.
I meet up with Kirsten (@pkmn_trainer) and got to hang out with her.
I helped out Echo Chernik with her set up of her Artist Alley table.
SakuraCon 2011
Here are some pictures from the convention and some videos of the panels I went to.
Carpooled with my friend Rich who had a table in the Artest Alley area.
Epic Game Day 2
Here are some pictures from the Epic Game Day.
The last item of note is that all pieces are in place for San Diego Comic-Con International for me and my nephew. Convention tickets purchased. Flight booked. Hotel reserved. Now all I need to do is wait.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Last year in review.
The conventions I got to go to a few convention last year:
The local ones I went to:
- Emerald City ComiCon
- Sakura-Con
- PaizoCon
- Dragonflight
The out of town convention I went to with some friends:
- Comic-Con International
- Gen Con Indy
Check out the pictures I took during the different convention.
I got to attend two w00tstocks this last year. w00tstock 2.0 in Seattle and w00tstock 2.4 in San Diego. Both were great fun and I even got a w00tstock 2.4 poster with in me in it by Len Peralta. (pix/video: 2.0, 2.4)
Check out the list of book I have read in the year of 2010. There were 35 books read and a good number of comic books and graphic novels read in between the books during 2010. With the last three years, I am averaging over 30 book read. Which is great for me. In my youth, I mainly stuck to comics book and only read a few books here and there.I got to be in a video that was done at PAX called Paul and Storm Get Thirsty. I was on screen for a whole 44 seconds [0:28-1:12]. Back in January of 2010 I became a Paul and Storm minion.
This last year I completed some of my music collection and found some new ones.
Completed my collection of Kirby Krackle, MC Frontalot, Jonathan Coulton and Paul & Storm.
Found some new artist of Molly Lewis and Lady Gaga.
With comics, I used to get them a friend. His situation changed and I now get them from a local Comic and Game store.
A final note:
Check out my pictures on Flickr.
Check out me on twitter.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
My time at the Seattle Geekly Game Day

The next game we played was Who Would Win? A game a new game I picked up a few months back. The game played great and I think 5 player is the right number of the game. The box says 3 min for the number of players, that could work with one vote to win. 4 players could work, but there could be ties. 5 is the magic number for the min number of players. It was a fun game with some great match ups, here are some of the match up we came across:
- Wayne Gretzky vs Stephen Speilberg in a cooking contest.
- Darth Vader vs Stephen Hawking in dogsledding.
- Helen Keller vs Blackbeard in juggling.

We next played Back to the Future: The Card Game. Its is Chrononauts with a Back to the Future fell to it. It was fun once I got the feel of the game.

The next game that got played was Rorschach, a game with inkblots. What you see is not always what others see.

The last game of the night was Zombie Dice, with one of the players rolling and keeping 10 Brians.

Game day was fun and I even got a shirt as a give away.
. . . and here all the good pictures I took.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
My summer of conventions.
San Diego Comic-Con
Had fun. I did not get to all the panel I had wanted to, but I did get a few autographs I wanted. One being was the full cast autograph of the Mythbusters and one I did not plan on was with two of the Farscape cast signed a Farscape comic book cover.
Got the chance to walk the floor of the convention more than the past and found some good swag and other items I did not know I wanted till I found them as seen here.
Here are the videos I shot at SDCC.
Here are a few panel I went to that were found online:
Mythbusters Panel Podcast from San Diego Comic-Con from the Nerdist Podcast.
Comic Con 2010: Joss Whedon Experience Panel (When Nathen Fillion shows up)
Comic Con 2010: Bones (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5)
A panel I wanted to goto, but could not get in to or end up skipping:
Comic Con 2010: Big Bang Theory (Intro song by BNL) (Part 3) from CBS, good camera placement, got the whole stage.
Comic-Con 2010: Castle Panel (Reads form Heat Wave) (Pranks on set) (Embarassing moments on set) (Ryan and Esposito's relationship)
Here are the videos I took while at GenCon.
Some videos that I show up in that were filmed by the people at Fear the Boot.
Fear the Boot: Gen Con 2010 Booter Dinner (Buca di Beppo) - Video #1
Fear the Boot: Gen Con 2010 Booter Dinner (Buca di Beppo)- Video #2
Fear the Boot: Gen Con 2010 Wing Night
Dan Runs Star Trek
Here is a search on YouTube for the Wil Wheaton Panel at GenCon.
D&D Preview Show from Gen Con from Dungeons & Dragons Podcast.
Dark Sun Seminar from Gen Con from Dungeons & Dragons Podcast.
Played in some RPG game with some convention friends and played some new boardgames. Fun times.
See pictures here.
I got to be in a YouTube video that was shot at PAX with Paul and Storm, Molly Lewis, Wil Wheaton, Kim Evey, Jonathan Coulton, MC Frontalot and the 68 volunteers and PAX enforcers who showed up on a tweet.
I'm the one who took the bottle of water from Storm [0:28 - 1:12].
Click to watch.
Here was the basic idea (in video form):
Behind the scenes pictures of the video being shot:
Also check out the D&D podcast with the members of Acquisitions Incorporated that was done was at a panel durring PAX.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Update to the PAX video.
Friday, September 03, 2010
My Friday at PAX.
PaulandStorm Want to take part in a cool video project that
will take ~60 minutes of your time? Meet us at #PAX Bandland at 6 pm.
I got to the Bandland area before the time and ran across Storm (of Paul and Storm) and asked him what the video project was. I got a basic run down of what they whated to do. I said that sounded good and I will be there. He said that he would make me leader of some sort (with me be in the know of the project). We gathered at the place and others showed up.
Paul gave a speach (see the YouTube video for the speach):
At the count, there were over 60 people showed up to help.
I ended up being singled out to start the project. People were set up along the 2 and a half blocks from Paul and Storm's hotel. Me and two others were taken to the hotel. One was left just outside the hotel, one was left just outside the elevators on the first floor and there was me. I got to go to the hotel room and hang out for a little while it was worked out how this was start. It ended up starting with Storm handing the water bottle outside the room door, where I took it to the elevator where I rode it down to the lobby and handed it off to the person waiting down there. I was a little nervous, but I think it turn out fine.
Greg Benson from Mediocre Films shot the video on his Flip Video Camcorders in mostly on shot with a few pick up shots. From what I heard the video come out to be about 9 to 10 min long. After editing it my end up being shorter.
After my shot was over, I followed the action snapping some picture along the way, missing out on the final shots due to having to wait for the next elevator. I saw a little of what was filmed and it looked great. I can not wait to see it, for the the full final video and to see how my part came out.

This was one of the things that made the day great. I ended up meeting a friend from con past. We walked around for awhile and had some lunch. And after video project was over, I got to hang with a w00tstock friend I ran into along with Molly Lewis for a while along.
It was a great day with some great item purchased and great swag.
Monday, August 09, 2010
The time of ScoobyThulhu.
The game was played 10 Fear The Booters on Thursday night at 9pm (That would be Aug 5th at GenCon). I am not sure of the game system, it is a quick to build characters.
The game was great. Laughter was all about and we had a full cast with 5 guest star characters. I was able to snag a few of the characters after the game (see below).
- Freddie
- Daphne
Gimmick: "But I'm so pretty.", +High Charisma, +Accidentally points out the hidden lever, -Dumb as a box of rocks, -Oblivious, Fatal Flaw: Damsel in distress - Velma
- Shaggy
- Scooby-Doo
The special guest stars:
- Batman (I played him, I could have a little better.)
Gimmick: Utility Belt, +World Greatest Detective, +Fighting with sounds effects, -Can't stay out of trouble, -Target for Villains, Fatal Flaw: Over engineered traps - Don Rickles
Gimmick: Hilarious, +Knows everybody famous, +Devil's advocate, -Winded on stairs, -Knows everyone famous, Fatal Flaw: Unable to be killed; Diplomatic - Speed Buggy
- Davy Jones
- Vincent Price
See here for some info on other guest stars:

More to tell or was in the game please comment on the is post.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
The times of Then, Here and There.
Emerald City ComiCon
- I only went one day this year and with some great panels, I did not get all the time I would have like to look around. I will be doing the full three days next year.
- Three days of fun. I even got my tickets for next year.
- Great SWAG bag. I did not get in on any of the games. Did sit in on a few of the seminars. Saturday was Free RPG Day and had a good game of D&D with a preview of the new Dark Sun setting. I will try it again next year and register early to get into a game or two.
Comic-Con International
- This is 3 days away with w00tstock the night of the first full day of the convention. The schedule has been reviewed and some plans have been put together (in my head) that I hope come to pass. Now I just need to finish packing.
Gen Con Indy
- This will be my first GenCon. Going with two friends for a first time all around. I have done my research on what to expect, but time will tell on how much fun will be had.
- A local RPG convention with people I have played with in the past. The games they have listed look great, with the full weekend of playing games.
- I have my full weekend ticket already purchased (this year), with the passes now sold out. Looking forward to the geek bands and such for the conventions. With some good swag from what I picked up from PAX past.
This is one last trip planed this year. It would be to see my brother and his family over on the east coast some time mid-September around my birthday.
It has and will be a busy time. Fun times.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
The time of the weekend.
Saturday was here and I headed over to PaizoCon. Picked up the swag bag that you get with the convention. Score. The bag had 3 books, 2 modules, a magazine, a minature, a game map and a game aid. With not being able to getting preregistered for any of the games, I checked out a few of the seminar. With a break from PaizoCon, I headed over to Dragon's Lair (in Bellevue) for Free RPG Day. I had wanted to pick a free game they had available and ended up signing up for a D&D 4th ed game of the module they had free for Free RPG Day, Bloodsand Arena (a Dark Sun game). Fun was had and after the game (with a roll off of 17) I was given Tomb of Horrors (the D&D 4th ed update of the original module). I was informed by the Wizard GM that ran our game, that the module is not being sold and is only given away as a prize by Wizards. Score.
Sunday. I sat in on a few more seminar and called it a day.
That was my weekend.
Saturday, June 05, 2010
w00tstock 2.x poster on the wall
Boardgame Night with Arkham Horror
Not a short game. The box says 2 to 4 hours and it was more for a first game.
With this being the first time I have played it, I would give it a 7 out of 10. It had a feel of a RPG, like we normaly play.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The night called w00tstock 2.0
Boardgame night was canceled early Friday. Checked to see if tickets were available. Yes! They were. Got directions to The Moore. Waited for work to end. Went home for a while. Headed to Seattle from Bellevue. Sat in traffic. Sat in more traffic. Found a parking spot right across the streen from The Moore. Got my ticket, which was a balcony seat. Waited for the show to begin. My seat was in a great location. Great view of the stage and the sound was no problem. Took a fair amount of video and pictures. Almost killed the battery and maxed out the memory in my camera. Got some great shots.
See my pictures here:
And my videos here:
Great show! It was last minute and fun as hell (well, if hell can be fun, if it snowed maybe.)
Also check the post below post for some of the videos that was played at w00tstock.
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Videos of w00tstock 2.0
Also found the musical interludes that were included in the show over at Phaser Rock.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
My new minicards.
Ordered a set of 100 minicards with my contact info to hand out to people that I meet up with at conventions and such.
For the info side there is a drawing of myself on the left side, my name, email and other links on the right.
- 2x Location shots (New York and Seattle shot I took)
- 2x Paintball shots (ones that I really liked, that took a while ago)
- 2x Costume shots (single person shot with a great costume)
- 2x RPG related shots (two that fit nicely in the frame)
- 2x Gaming related shot (with the click shot it had the grouping and layers; with the Apples to Apples, it was a my winning hand that I snaped a shot of)
Found 10 pictures that would fit in the 1.1 in x 2.76in frame.
MiniCards by MOO USA
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
My time at Sakura-Con 2010
After work, me and Rich headed over to the Washington State Convention Center to pick up our badges for the convention that started the following day. After dealing with some trafic and a quick line, the badge was in my hand. Next was for Rich to set up his art in the art show. With that set up, we got a bite to eat at the Subway outside the convention. Home we went to rest up for the next day.
Day 1 (Friday)
With the dear's room not opening till noon, we had a lazy morning. We made good time and got there before the dealer room opened. Rich was not able to get a Artest Alley table, but was able to split a table in the dealer's room. With a borrowed exhibitor badge I was able to get in before the others and help Rich with a quick set up at his table. With the doors open I was free to look around. After once around the dealer's room, I headed off to a pannel and then watch some anime where I rested my tired feet. I had brought my Pokewalker to keep track of the steps durring the convention, I had noticed a good number of people had the same idea. With moving the Pokewalker from my belt to the lanyard I was using with my badge. With that move I had a good number of people come up and do the friend connect.
Day 2 (Saturday)
With this being main day of the convention, we headed off earlier from the day before. The dealer's room was already open when we got there. I did my walk thru for another look around to find some thing that I may or may not know I am looking for. One item that was found was at the Ninja-Bot booth was a free Level 5 Mudkip with some great Battle Moves. I also got a chance to look around the Artest Alley and picked up some Iron Man and anime postcard art.
Day 3 (Sunday)
The final day with a lot of walking around the dealer's room and around the convention center for the final rounds of looking and snapping some pix of the people in costume. I also paid for next years Sakura-Con for a low cost of $30. When the 6pm time frame came, the convention end and closed. With the exhibitor badge I was able to stick around for a while. We got some food and did a final walk thru of the empty dealer's room (which was not the dealer room any more). It made me a little sad that the convention was over for the year. :-(
With the Pokewalker I kept records of the stats:
Day 0: 02291 steps
Day 1: 08659 steps, ~13 friend connects
Day 2: 09572 steps, 30 friend connects
Day 3: 11930 steps, ~29 friend connects
For totals, if you keep in mind that 2000 steps = 1 mile, I walked over 16 miles with over 70 friend connection during Sakura-Con.
Check out all the pictures I took during the conventure.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
My day at Emerald City ComiCon
This year I only went one day and I did not have the time to hit all the booth I would have like to. Next year they changed from a two day, to a three day convention and I will be doing the full three day. I only had the cash on me to spend. Next year I will bring more money to spend.
It was a great convention with some great panels. This was a great start to the convention season.
See all the pictures I took here at Flickr.
My Swag and Loot from Emerald City Comicon
(Click on the pictures for the labled items.)
Thursday, February 04, 2010
We need a name.
The Players:
- Drifters
- Crafters
- The A-Team
- Prowlers
- Rangers
- The Squad
- The Patrol
- The Worthy
- The Five Aces
- The Strike Team
- Hey Youse
- The Motley Crew (I still like it, although spelled this way so as not to be you know)
- Situation Unique
- One of a Kind Adventurers
- Them Weird People
- Those Who Do
- Wha-Who-Hunh?
- Rotto-Rooter
- Power Rangers
- Nut Crackers
- Group 42 (the answer to any problem)
- Devastators
- Equalizers
- Demolition Squad
- Veneniferous Team
- Vorpal Squad
The GM: - Plot Fodder
- GM's Bi*ches
- Railroad Runaways
- The Fab Five
Here is my game blog for my character with links on the right for the other character's blogs:
02/04/10 - updated some more name that were email to the group today.
Football Joke
A guy took his blonde girlfriend to her first football game. They had great seats right behind their team's bench. After the game, he asked her how she liked the experience.
'Oh, I really liked it,' she replied, 'especially the tight pants and all the big muscles, but I just couldn't understand why they were killing each other over 25 cents.'
Dumbfounded, her date asked, 'What do you mean?'
'Well, they flipped a coin, one team got it and then for the rest of the game, all they kept screaming was:
'Get the quarterback! Get the quarterback!' I'm like...Helloooooo?
It's only 25 cents!!!!
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
The Forgotten
Two hours later after I am home watching TV, I get the following text message:
Omg Heath I just remembered I needed to go over your desk!! I'm soooo sorry I completely forgot!! So busy today!!Followed up with:
Please accept my apologies!!
I followed up with:
Sure. The problem was solved. C U tomorrow same
time. Same place.
Monday, February 01, 2010
Three is the number.
At this time we have 3 people confirmed and a maybe from a moved away friend that I have left a message on Facebook about this trip. At this time there are 184 days left to Gen Con, the first I have been to. From different podcasts, I have heard many stories and interviews of the good times that have been had and I look forward to that time. Its is going to be a busy time. About a week before there is Comic-Con, which I am going to with a friend from work and a friend of his, like we have for the past few years. The week after Gen Con is Dragonflight, a local RPG convention for the Seattle area.
Plans are being made to make the good times roll in. The time ahead look good. See you there.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Links and Info found.
A classic board game found online.
Star Frontiers
PDFs of the classic game from TSR.
Perfect Fit Buttons as seen on TV
Looks like a good idea.
The Unwritten (Comic)
Looks like a good story with some of the review I have heard.
Water Joe (caffeinated water)
I have heard of this product some time ago and just came up in a search. Water with caffeine.
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
The first post of the new year.
Another look back to the books I have read, in 2009 I read 37 books as compared to the 32 books I read in 2008. I had set a goal to read more than the year before (not counting comic book) and have meet the goal for the last two years. Check out my profile over at Goodreads, a great site for those people who are reader of books and such. Sign up if you dare.
There are plans to attend to two big Cons this year. The first would be San Diego Comic-Con for the full time with a few friends from work. This will be my 4th year going. The second one would be Gen Con (two week after Comic-Con). This years' Gen Con would be my first time going. With the Pod Casts, Twitting and blog post from the last year I had wanted to go at least once (maybe more) for some time. Luckly my friend Norm had the same idea and wants to go too. A hotel room has been books for the time frame. The number of people the are positive at this time only number two, I am hoping more. In our game group there are at least 2 maybe at this time and also another maybe from a old gaming buddy (that had move away a while back).
And last but not the last, I have found or been point to some great geekie music (as seen in the below links):
Kirby Krackle
MC Frontalot
Jonathan Coulton
Lemon Deamon
Garfunkle & Oates
Saturday, December 05, 2009
To my Secret Santa
I've been very good this year. Here are some things that I'd like. Sorry this took a while to compile.
Arkham Horror (board game) ~$60.00
(can be found local at Uncles Games at Crossroads)
MC Frontalot CDs/MP3
1. Final Boss
2. Secrets From The Future
3. Nerdcore Rising
(The albums can be downloaded from the site above and then can be burned on a CD, save some money for more gifts or a iTune gift card can be given.)
Dawn of Discovery on the DS (Game System) (form Best Buy for a local location)
Memories of the Future - Volume 1 by Wil Wheaton ($19.87)
Sauder #190752 Cherry 2 Shelf Bookcase by SAUDER (~$30.00)
(in the Seattle area, found it at Fred Meyers. UPC 042666015653)
JCPenney gift card for some new stuff to put on.
X-Shaped Rubber Bands (2 boxes) $(not much)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Does not match the post.
Spent XP. . . and from the post I got the 3 following comments:
Used 6 XP on some new Area Knowledge of the Westerlands, Far Westerlands and North Mitharia.
Thank you! You often write very interesting articles. You improved my mood.There were SPAM link with the comments (which I have not posted here).
Very interesting and amusing subject. I read with great pleasure.
Valuable thoughts and advices. I read your topic with great interest.
I found it funny what was entered did not match the simple post I did. It like the poster did not ever read the post.
The SPAM has been deleted and is never to be heard from again.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Pen and Paper Games Get-Together
There was pizza & cake provided and a meeting of other gamers.
Some spots opened on another D&D 4th Ed game for the 2nd part of the game. This time 4th Level characters were provided. It was another fun game. My character was only knocked out 3 to 4 time and once rolled a 20 vs Death, which allowed me to use a healing serge. For the big bad guy, I was able to land the final blow to end the game. Yea!
It was a fun day. I look foward to next year's get together.
Check out the pictures from the even I took.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Search and Find
Here is the message that turned up on the above picture:
Hi Heath_bar,A few notes about the above message. One I dislike is being told what I can and can not do. I took the picture in a public place and the person made a choice to dress in the costume. If the request was of just a note to take it down, I would have deleted the message and kept the picture. But due the story and asking it it be removed, I put in a filler picture to keep the spot and the stats of the picture. The story could be just that, a story, but it sounded like the truth (well mostly). For this post I have a small version of the picture (with a basic name) to go with the story. See below for the filler and the direct link (if you want to click on it).
I am the girl dressed up as Aeon Flux whose picture you have used without permission. I am asking that you PLEASE remove my image here. I was shocked to find that when a Google Image search is conducted using "Aeon Flux" and "comic con" or "costume", the results link to a photo of me. For the rest of my life, I will remember my attendance and dress at this convention as one of my most shameful moments.
I am a young professional, not a model or entertainer of any sort. I am certainly not someone who seeks profit through using my image and believe it or not, it was not my plan to seek major media exposure when I wore this outfit to Comic Con. I had no idea what I was getting myself into at the time. Following the convention, a popular cosplay website asked to use my image, and I respectfully declined. I did not want my image splayed across any website, no matter what type of exposure.
I hope that you appreciate my late yet legitimate wariness. I have a mild online presence and have already been subjected to cyberstalking, having my image posted on pornographic websites, and other questionable net practices as a result of my naive costuming. I trust that you will do the right thing, and respect my wishes by removing my image.
Thank you very much for your time and understanding, from one Aeon Flux fan to another.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Birthday List
HERO System 6th Edition: Character Creation $39.99
Mort by Terry Pratchett (Book)
Men at Arms by Terry Pratchett (Book)
Wraith Recon by Mongoose Publishing $34.99
Hunter X Hunter, Vol. 3 (2009) DVD ~$39.99
Gift Card from Best Buy or Half Price Books
Monday, August 31, 2009
The August Post
With Dragonflight, I had some great fun. Played a hand full of RPG games, some with Norm and others that played with at past conventions.
Got some nice freebies, picked up a few good deals on some RPG books and filled out on some D&D minis.
Check out the pictures I took at Dragonflight here.

With Comic-Con 2009 over for this year, I am still working on going thur the all the pictures I took. I have uploaded all the pictures from the main floor, the stars that had a booth or were in the autograph area and one of panels I went to. I still have a good number panels shots to review and upload. I should have those up soon.
Check out the Comic-Con Set link here for what I have uploaded so far and check back later for the other picture once I upload them.

Also this month we got some more play time in our newly started Hero System game. We now have 5 games under our belt.
Check out my character blog:
The last note was that my brother has move out of the New York area to live in a house in Longmeadow, Massachusetts. The move is complete and they get to play whats in the box.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
My time at Comic-Con.
Top 5 Things to Remember at Comic-Con:
"Buy water and food at a grocery store, not on the floor (it’s expensive and sucks)"
I mostly planed ahead for the time at the convention. Knowing that in most cases that I would be in a panel during lunch. I packed some energy bars and a few snacks for those time. For water, I also brought the On The Go packets and a resealable 16.5 oz container that I filled in the morning or a free water source during the convention. I did check the prices and they were high. I only got one food item at the convention.
"Line-ups and crowds are a fact of life at Comic-Con. Going to comic-con and complaining about line-ups is like going on a cruise and complaining about water."
From what I recall, there were only three time I just walked into a panel. Two of those time the panel was a off main stream topic and the third was half way thru the panel that was mostly full. The other times there was a line. The kind of line that was long, that stopped/started and took some time to go thru (the longest I recall was between a 1 to 2 hr wait to get in. Most of of the panels I wanted to see were in the same room, mostly right after another panel I wanted to see. Once in the room I would stay there. The main area of the convention floor (ie Fox, Marvel, DC booths) were crouded and took some pushing to go thru. Same thing with for the swag. There was always a line for the large bag for the Fox booth. Also some of the booths had autographs with some of the stars, you should see the lines for thoes times. Fact of life for Comic-Con, there will be lines. Have fun, talk to the people next to you, people watch, read a book or play your DS.
"99% of pros at Comic-Con are normal people – don’t be afraid to say hi (the remaining 1% are total nutters though – be afraid, very afraid.)"
The few I talk to were normal and I am glad I did not run into the 1%.
"Don’t be distracted by 50% discount bins – Did you spend over $2000 on flights, hotels and food to save a few hundred dollars on graphic novels?"
I did keep a eye out for some good deals or special items. On the last day I did get 50% off a Doctor Who t-shirt and a good deal on 2 graphic novels. I did not buy much, about half dozen items. But I did come back some good swag.